Want something fun and new to do, well don’t bother looking elsewhere cause we’ve got you covered. If you’re bored at home and want new ideas/tips to fill up your time then check out our series “QuarantipswithSSA”
We collaborated with people in our community asking them to share somethings they’ve been doing. We’ve gotten people cooking, making personal projects, watching shows, reading new books and people going into arts and crafts so theres something for everyone!
Learn to Crochet– Yasmeen Shahzadeh
East Meets West– Ghalia ElKerdi
This recipe has a twist from the traditional (هريسة) Hrisseh as it is being prepared and baked just like cupcakes as well as it incorporates a creamy filling! Yum!
This recipe is super easy to make and is (relatively) healthier dessert option as it uses semolina as a base. Fun Fact: Semolina is a flour made from ground durum wheat. It's rich in protein, fiber, and B vitamins.
Down Syrian Memory Lane– Mohamed Haj Ali
If you ever wanted to get back in tune with your Syrian heritage or wanted to have a good laugh or cry, than just listen to some of the recommendations done by your fellow Syrian. As we all know, Syria has produced some of the most dramatic and hilarious plays/tv series and if you can’t find something good on Netflix, try something Mohamed recommends! You won’t be sorry, trust us. If you’re one for reading though, stay tuned as a good book title is also revealed and from what we’ve gathered, this one is worth your penny.
Find Hope with Art– Angela Kaba
A multimedia artist who graduated from Concordia University in June 2020. During quarantine, she started to feel anxious about the future and her graduation, but creating and learning about art kept her hopeful and productive, reduced her anxiety, and improved her professional portfolio.
Documenting Social Distancing– Zeina Jhaish and Mishkat Hafiz
“Within Walls” is a documentary that captures the collective experience of women during quarantine. They wanted to connect to people and understand their experiences better. Even though we were all social distancing, everyone had a different story to tell. This project allowed them to feel stronger during quarantine as well as give them a sense of solidarity with everyone who participated in it.
Want to learn more about this project: https://mishkathafiz.com/within-walls